
Multiple Websites & Shared Folders With VirtualBox On Windows 7 Host

Virtualbox shared folders

If you havent already set up your virtual machine, you may want to check out our guide on setting up an Ubuntu LAMP server running on VirtualBox.

This short guide will show you how to set up multiple websites to run from your development server and have the websites shared from your Windows host machine. This will allow you to work on your files and view them in your preferred browser on your host machine before uploading them to your live server.

More on Multiple Websites & Shared Folders With VirtualBox On Windows 7 Host

.htaccess 301 Redirects for IP Ranges

301 IP redirect using .htaccess

I'm sure that you've at some point come across some annoying bot or individual who thinks that it's a good idea to spam your blog or contact form with a load of nasty links or blocks of complete gibberish. Sometimes they can be relentless and can really start to get quite annoying and so I searched for a method that once you have obtained their IP address could redirect them to another website altogether.

More on .htaccess 301 Redirects for IP Ranges